Saturday, June 8, 2019

Words Spoken at DOJ September 24, 1997

"Their circumstances are well documented. A variety of discriminatory actions were perpetrated upon them over long periods of time with a range of seven to thirty years and a mean of 14.8 years.  Those actions included the sale of land at an inflated price, an overestimate of crop productivity, insufficient loans, insufficient technical and managerial support, denial of loans, bankruptcy, loss of purchased land, loss of family-owned land, altered figures on loan applications, the request (or demand) for signatures on blank applications, perjured testimony, loss of equipment, the application of farming loans to other indebtedness, the receipt of half of what was promised, loans issued well into planting season, and numerous others."  ------ Waymon R. Hinson, Ph.D., Department of Justice Hearing, September 24, 1997.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Let Justice Ring: Black Farming and Worriation

Let Justice Ring: Black Farming and Worriation: This encounter lingers still. It is like a mist that never goes away, or a haze that stays longer than necessary. It was an odd meeting. I...