Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Troubling Story in Rhyme, Hanging On to Hope

Here I sit
In the quiet of this room
Stillness all about
Will peace arrive any time soon.

Friends on the right
Friends on the left
Noise all around
Truth somehow left bereft.

Her words
Left us troubled
Her story within us stirred
The pain in our souls bubbled.

His words
Spoken in a rage
Unfit for one of such stature
Did not my doubt assuage.

He insulted
A conspiracy that did unfold
He lost any respect
His white male privilege depths untold.

The leader
Of the land did stand
Pronounce her story credible
Yet truth has somehow been banned.

He who received
The least votes
Affirmed by men
Filibustered with many quotes.

He now appointed
One who has little support
Of the people of our country
To the nation’s highest court.

Then that man
Has the audacity
To apologize quite profusely
Doubting truth and its veracity.

Now is the time
To rally around character
Take people to the polls
Truth does indeed matter.

Yes, I will vote
Hope others take note
Bring their friends and neighbors
And restore us after our labors.

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