September 16, 2020
Subject: Discovery of Significant Information
Only days after we released our “Open Letter to Vice President Joe Biden,” September 6, 2020, we received a copy of the letter from the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law dated January 9, 2009. We were shocked that this letter affirms the legitimacy of the work that we have been trying to accomplish with the Biden/Harris campaign for months.
The author of the letter concludes, “It is appalling that any American today should still face the kind of entrenched discrimination at the hands of a Federal government agency that minorities and women face when dealing with the USDA.” The author predicts that “unless the foreclosure moratorium is implemented immediately, more of these farmers will lose their farms.”
The problem is we have too many sitting in a room planning the destruction of other peoples’ lives instead of improving them. Where was the rush to fix the problems addressed in this letter....by the Vilsack administration?
We absolutely agree
with the Lawyers’ Committee addressing key strategies for changing the systemic
racial and gender inequality at the USDA. History tells us that their appeal
landed on deaf ears. President after president, congress after congress,
secretary after secretary, and lastly, election after election, civil rights at
USDA remains dysfunctional. Our demands for justice at USDA are further
justified as a result of this letter.
We appealed to the Biden/Harris Campaign to adopt the civil rights fixes in the Warren and Sanders plans. However, after many months of meetings this recommendation was not taken seriously. To add salt to the wound, you stated that our request to address Black farmer issues was unconstitutional.
The Biden/Harris Campaign shows an unwillingness to address issues that could change the course of USDA. Warren and Sanders listened to Black farmers, urban farmers, and their advocates and produced comprehensive strategies that would fix USDA civil rights once and for all. They seemed to have understood the gravity of the injustices done to Black farmers. They understood the need for systemic changes at USDA…. not putting a band-aid on a cancer.
We want the Biden/Harris Campaign to implement the recommendations per the Lawyers’ Committee as well as the Warren and Sanders Plans.
That said:
actions will you be taking regarding this newly surfaced letter from the
Lawyers Committee?
is the relevance/connection in USDA 2009 and today’s USDA’s civil rights?
impact, if any, does the Lawyers Committee letter have on your “plan” for
fixing systemic discrimination at USDA?
This widespread racism and sexism have become a social justice issue which cannot be side-stepped with your sudden silence. Is your silence the punishment for speaking the truth regarding USDA civil rights?
This is our appeal for justice, dignity, and respect. This is for the living and for those who died waiting for justice from USDA.
Black Lives Matter,
Lawrence Lucas, President Emeritus
USDA Coalition of Minority Employees
Justice for Black
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