As you may have heard over the last few months, the documentary that tells the stories of nine Black farmers who fought against the USDA is now "in the can." It is finished and is available for the first time at the Denton Black Film Festival beginning later this week.
Between 1997 and 1999, fifteen farmers prevailed against the USDA. As they prevailed, the USDA still withheld what was promised. This film, "I'm Just a Layman in Pursuit of Justice: Black Farmers Fight Against the USDA," tells those stories of nine of those fifteen farmers and family members in their own words. It is co-produced by Shoun Hill and Waymon Hinson.
Here is the link to the web page: https:// blackfarmersinsearchofjusticef Inside this page you can see the background of the film, portraits of the farmers and a few of their sound bites, the trailer, and videos by Hill and Hinson as they tell what the film means to them.
Here is a link to where you can buy a viewing of the film: https://watch.eventive. org/dbff/play/ 5feb39317bf46b00542ed103
When you purchase a viewing for $4.99, you have 24 hours to watch it between January 27 and February 2.
As you enter to purchase it, you can also vote for it as your favorite documentary.
Here is the link to the entire film festival. It is one of the biggest in the country, so we are honored to have it selected:
Please feel to contact Waymon if you have any questions:
We know you will be both disturbed and motivated by what you see and hear.
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