Saturday, July 10, 2021

President Joe Biden's Plan for Rural America

You can read the entirety of President Biden's plan for rural America here

Here is one key paragraph that I am watching carefully. Will he do what he says he would do? 
  • "Advance fairness, accountability, and transparency at the United States Department of Agriculture As President, Biden will appoint officials at every level of the USDA who have a demonstrated commitment to supporting Black, Brown and Native farmers. Biden will also eliminate the USDA’s backlog of civil rights complaints, streamline and expedite the complaints process, permit appeals, and reinstate a foreclosure moratorium for those whose complaints remain unsettled. Biden will direct the USDA to fully enforce whistleblower protections and investigate reports of retaliation and interference from the Office of General Counsel. In addition, Biden will demand transparency and oversight in all aspects of USDA’s operations. Further, Biden will call on the agency’s Economic Research Service to include farmworkers and farmers of color more prominently in their research."


  1. Joe's ethic, and the life experiences that shaped him, tell me that he cannot, not, follow through. Depending on how serious the push-back is from both governmental agencies, and the entitled, special-interest groups that have come to practically direct those agencies. The man's word is better than gold. I would also say, give him a little time. He will take back our Agricultural guidance from those groups, and repair the damage that has been done....done both in the name of graft and racial leverage. Hang on for the will be bumpy, but I truly believe we are going to see America becomes what it already professes to be, but falls short in real terms. I'm excited.....

    1. Thank you, Unknown, for weighing in optimistically on this issue. I, too, remain hopeful about Biden; however, he knew undoubtedly that Secretary Vilsack had baggage and chose to reappointment him again. Therein lies the rub for my friends and me. So, I hope the Biden administration will push Vilsack to move quickly with addressing systemic changes that need to be made within USDA that will guarantee that such marginalization will never occur again.
