Monday, February 13, 2023

Fund Raising Appeal for the March 1 "Demonstration in Front of the White House"

Yes, this is a fund raising appeal. Yes, your donations go through a 501.c.3 and then are accumulated via another 501.c.3. The Black Belt Justice Center is on fire for justice. The Network for Good is a collaborator with them.

The short verse is that we are fund raising for the March 1 "Demonstration at the White House." A large number of us will venture into DC via car, truck, bus, or plane, and we need help with transportation, meals, and lodging. This is not an ordinary event, rather it is an extraordinary event. We have gone on record for quite a while now that Black farmers of our land continue to be marginalized by USDA policies and procedures, led by the Secretary of the USDA. Congress has implemented two bills that offer relief for those discriminated against, the ARPA of 2021 and the IRA of 2022. Both have been "slow-walked." We have written letter upon letter to the Secretary and to the White House. We have been ignored. 

Followers of this page know that I've written quite a few words about the issues facing Black farmers in the current political climate and the malfeasance of the USDA historically and in the present. Feel free to scroll down and see and read those pages. 

This event at Lafayette Park will make our presence known to the President and to the Secretary.

As you know, travel costs are up these days. The Black Belt Justice Center is at the center of fund raising efforts, and for its support we are grateful. Hit this link:
Hit "DONATE" and then select the amount you are contributing, and then scroll down to "Apply My Donation To" and select "Black Farmers Demonstration at the White House," and then the rest will be clear. PM me if you have any questions or problems. This way, your donations go directly to the Network for Good and this particular cause. Charla and I will be there. We hope to see people you have helped send. Thank you.

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