Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Lord, I'm Thankful for a Thing or Two, Updated

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Wife and my kids and my dog are some
Just need to keep thankin’ till my days are done.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Friends down here and friends over there
Without those friends, I’d be nowhere.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Wrong in the world keep me up all night
Lookin’ for change to make it all right.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
High ideals buried deep in the heart
All come from You right from the start.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Right to vote and to take a stand
Trying to get it right as much as I can.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Stories of old that make us cry
Hope for the future lest we die.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Thanksgiving Day is drawin’ near
Hope for justice maybe this year.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Food on the table, hands will cling
Thanks to you we might even sing.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
For vision that inspires, for hope within
For faith in humanity again and again.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Coffee in the morning, and time with you
Reading through the Book and other things, too.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Waking each day with my wife, my bride
Feeling inspired with her by my side.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Friends out east friends out west
Workin’ real hard and get no rest.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Justice is hard and it comes real slow
Keep on workin’ with little to show.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord I’m thankful for a thing or two
Justice is worth it, those sleepless nights
Injustice is wrong, keep the right in sight.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Grandsons five, younger and now older
Granddaughter makes six, here on my shoulder
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
A life now lived with minimal regrets
Looking to the future as sun soon sets.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
Things to read and words to write
Justice to stir to continue the fight.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two
People who are called to walk beside
Feeling disregard, trying to stem the tide.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.

Lord, I’m thankful for a thing or two.
Lord, I’m hopin’ for a thing or two.
Yes, I’m hopin’ for a thing or two.
Yes, I’m thankful for a thing or two.